The Program Management Office (PMO) at AFLCMC/C3C, Kessel Run, is seeking information for a comprehensive flight operations management application aimed at streamlining workflows and efficiently utilizing resources for peacetime and wartime operations.
As a portfolio within Kessel Run, Flight Ops leverages industry best practices to rapidly deliver capabilities while posturing for future information technology (IT). Flight Ops is looking for a production and/or solution that will meet the needs of our Users across the globe while embracing Agile principles, Development Security Operations (DevSecOps), and Lean product management practices to continuously integrate and deliver software capabilities. Flight Ops embraces a culture of rapid feedback loops, e.g., build, measure, learn, and user-centered design managed by Government-led teams to rapidly develop, produce, and deploy software across the Department of the Air Force (DAF) Battle Network, while continuously iterating and improving upon those software applications.
The Flight Ops PMO is currently working to develop an Enterprise solution leveraging the best of the current fielded legacy products (Patriot Excalibur and Puckboard). Flight Ops will provide an Enterprise scalable capability optimizing aircrew, pilot, and Guardian human and materiel mission readiness through learning management, currency management, allocation, and scheduling. Flight Ops will ensure data-driven tactical readiness, strategic situational awareness, and combatant decision advantage. Flight Ops will combine scheduling, training, and standardizations / evaluations (stan/eval) applications, supporting Mobility Air Force and Combat Air Force sorties, as well as scheduling for Space Force and Joint Users. Scheduling matches aircrew to missions and equipment, including airframes, for the purpose of conducting operational and training missions, evaluation of training, and development of evaluation standards, etc.
Flight Ops seeks information on capabilities from interested contractors to support the subject requirements to facilitate market research and determine the best strategy and approaches for fulfilling user needs and operational requirements.
Requirements Background and Objectives:
2.1.1. Flying units require the ability to organize, train, and equip ready forces to support a Combatant Commander’s operational needs. A comprehensive picture of operational resource data is needed to aid unit-level decision-making to support the organize, train, and equip activities, as well as Air Tasking Order (ATO) / Dynamic Tasking Order (DTO) execution requirements.
2.1.2. A system is needed to efficiently match personnel and other assets with operational needs and actively capture data to support mission and resource planning decisions. Optimized training, certification and qualification management, tracking, and reporting capabilities are required for personnel management. Also, an accurate and live tracking system for suitability, availability, and location of other resources will provide an enhanced common operating picture.
2.1.3. The sought capabilities will augment Wing operators with an integrated, cloud based, distributed system that will provide Wings the ability to organize, train, and equip operational units, while simultaneously tracking readiness, suitability and availability of their resources.
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