Update: DHS FEMA CBRN Responder Network Support RFP pushed back to November

The release of any RFP related to this opportunity to support the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been pushed back to November.

“The purpose of CBRNResponder is to provide a free national standardized chemical, biological radiological and nuclear data collection, sharing and management tools for all levels of government and applicable industry partners that will utilize the tools for operational monitoring of environmental data and emergency response during an accidental or deliberate CBRN event. CBRNResponder is a suite of tools comprised of RadResponder, ChemResponder, BioResponder, and the Interagency Monitoring and Atmospheric Assessment Center (IMAAC) portal. The new selected vendor will execute SOW tasks over a one-year period of performance after award. Tasks include (1) utilizing the CBRN Responder Network system as it currently exists upon award which includes the current system architecture, web and mobile platforms, source code and hosting platform on the Commercial Microsoft® Azure Cloud service; (2) ensuring this network serves as an effective common operating platform during a CBRN incident response, and is continually developed through the input of the current and future user community input and shared with all FSLTT organizations free of charge; (3) The network is further developed/refined in a sustained web portal, mobile applications, system and data integrity/redundancy, and security protocols; (4) conducts frequent and consistent outreach to the U.S.-based CBRN community through various communication mediums; (5) provides training and exercise support for participating or interested FSLTT response organizations; (6) develops and sustains effective and timely modeling capabilities and mechanisms to integrate other GIS associated data (e.g., field detectors) to communicate and upload onto the CBRN Responder Network efficiently and effectively; (7) provides a reliable means to effectively manage organizational teams, equipment, and training.”



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