Notice ID: 24-017-OITA
The Internal Revenue Service Business Continuity Operations is the office within the IRS that is charged with preparing IRS’ ability to recover and restore business processes after any sort of emergency or disruption to operations. Related operations are found in Field Operations Senior Commissioner’s Representatives-Continuity of Operations (SCR-CO) which is charged with directing all Incident Management Teams and ensuring employee accountability. Information Technology is charged with ensuring the systems will support recovery and developing plans for the sequential and dependent recovery of primary and backup systems. These should be linked to the processes and should match requirements such as recovery time.
The purpose of this project is to automate processes for Business Continuity within the IRS meeting both IRS and FEMA requirements, including
- Automated tool capable of supporting end-to-end Emergency Management (personnel accountability, impact/damage assessment, etc.), Continuity of Operations and Reconstitution (e.g., recovery of facilities, technology and business operations by order of priority established by Business Impact Analysis).
- Allow a single user to respond multiple times in order to report changes in status (“My power is back on”). System needs to update showing latest status of respondents.
- Capability to lead/prompt users through step-by-step emergency management and continuity of operations checklists and procedures originating in Word/Excel.
- Capability to capture tasks, activities, and situation status information in a sequential format, and then display this information on a dashboard that can be viewed and acted on by emergency management/continuity of operations teams.
- Mobile capabilities (have a mobile app)
- Uses terminology and concepts consistent with existing government practices and procedures, including NIMS and Federal Continuity Directives.
- Supports personnel accountability using geo-location and reporting capabilities…
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