NASA SEWP VI Scoop: 6 key changes in the Final RFP

by Eric Nusbaum, President & CEO of ENcompass Consulting Group, LLC 

NASA has released the much-anticipated final RFP for Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP) VI. This is a Best-In-Class (BIC) Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) to provide Information Technology, Communication and Audio Visual (ITC/AV) solutions and services. 

Here are the top things you need to know about the SEWP VI final RFP: 

1) Key Dates: 

RFP Release: May 23, 2024 

NASA Informational Webex: June 4, 2024 

Deadline for Questions: June 7, 2024 

Proposals Due: July 11, 2024 

Tentative Contract Award: May 1, 2025 

2) 6 Key Changes from the Draft RFP to the Final RFP: 

  • NAICS Codes: NASA is requiring offerors to submit a NAICS Size Standard Crosswalk (RFP Exhibit 4) to certify their size against a list of relevant NAICS codes. This is an innovative alternative to the traditional single NAICS code assigned to an IDIQ contract. This gives offerors more flexibility in determining whether they qualify as a small business, while still maximizing competition at the task order level. Also, NASA added NAICS codes 333316, 423430, and 541512 to Category A, and NAICS code 519190 to Categories B and C. 
  • Category A Scope: NASA revised the scope of Category A for Value-Added Reseller (VAR) offerors. The draft RFP included 6 technical areas, whereas the final RFP includes 9 technical areas. Also, NASA updated the primary NAICS code for Category A to 541519 with Exception 18 for IT VARs. 
  • ISO and CMMI: The draft RFP required both ISO 9001 and CMMI ML2 certifications for Category C. The final RFP only requires ISO 9001 for Category C. The final RFP also clarified that, for all Categories, JV offerors are only required to have a single member hold the certification(s). However, the final RFP also states that offerors may not use the certifications of a parent company, affiliate, division, and/or subsidiary within a corporate structure. Additionally, the final RFP verified that SB bidders only need to be “in progress” of obtaining their ISO and/or CMMI certifications at time of proposal submission. 
  • Duplicate Content: The draft RFP prohibited the submission of content that is duplicated across multiple proposals. The final RFP clarified that it is allowable for offerors proposing as a prime and as part of a JV to submit the same management approach, certifications, references for past performance and mandatory experience. 
  • Past Performance Size: For SB offerors pursuing Category A, the average annual value required for Past Performance references was revised from $500k in the draft RFP to $150k in the final RFP. 
  • Page Limits: The draft RFP set a 30-page limit for the Technical Approach and a 10-page limit for the Management Approach. The final RFP has updated this to a 15-page limit for the Technical Approach and a 15-page limit for the Management Approach. 

Want More? Is SEWP a must-win? 

Join Eric at next week’s webinar hosted by Shelley’s Events as he breaks down the nitty gritty and answers questions: June 12, 2024 


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ENcompass Consulting Group, LLC (ENcompass) is a small business focused on helping Federal Contractors capture business with the U.S. Government.

​We help businesses win contracts with Defense, Civilian, and Intelligence agencies. We support clients ranging in size from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. We partner with our clients as trusted advisors, providing expert guidance and hands-on support that leads to enduring success.

​Unlike many consulting groups, ENcompass has dedicated resources including a team of full-time employees, supplemented by part-time consultants. We have carefully vetted and hand-picked our roster of consultants, so our clients know they are always going to get the highest quality of support from ENcompass. Our team of consultants bring a wide range of skills and expertise at every level.


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