Protest forces DOD DMDC Worldwide COTS Hardware Software Integration and Maintenance Support (WWHWSW) Transition-Out Bridge contract

Notice ID:  47QFMA24F0012_P00011
Contract Award Date: Jan 31, 2024
Contract Award Number: 47QTCK18D0011
Task/Delivery Order Number: 47QFMA24F0012
Modification Number: P00011

The action being approved is a modification to award additional maintenance and integration support services and to extend the period of performance for services being provided under existing task order 47QFMA24F0012, which was awarded under GSA Alliant 2 Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) 47QTCK18D0011, on a sole source basis to Peraton Inc. As a result of a protest filed on June 20, 2024, at the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), this modification will add additional support tasks for a period of 100 days, based on the GAO protest decision timeline, to be provided in advance of the transition-out services already procured and will extend the current period of performance (PoP) validity end date from 09/09/2024 to 01/06/2025.

The Government will solicit only Peraton Inc. for its technical expertise in providing maintenance and integration support services in direct support of the DMDC Worldwide COTS Hardware Software Integration and Maintenance Support (WWHWSW) task orders.

These sustainment services were previously supported by Peraton Enterprise Solutions LLC under task order 47QFMA20F0023, awarded under Peraton’s GSA Alliant Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) contract number GS00Q09BGD0027. The previous task order was awarded on 08/23/2018, with a period of performance start date of 09/17/2018 with service expiring on 02/16/2024. The previous order could not be modified to further extend the period of performance to provide transition-out services given that all task orders placed under the Alliant 1 GWAC must be complete by 04/30/2024. Thus, a bridge task order, 47QFMA24F0012, for transition-out services only was awarded on a sole source basis to Peraton, Inc. under their GSA Alliant 2 contract 47QTCK18D0011 for a period of performance from 02/17/2024 through 05/27/2024. Given that the procurement for the subsequent task order, identified as DMDC Information Technology Global Enterprise Management Services (IT GEMS), is currently under a stop work order pending a GAO protest decision, the current Worldwide Hardware Software Integration and Maintenance Support (WWHWSW) Transition-out Bridge task order needs to be modified to add maintenance and integration tasks to support the DMDC WWHWSW program during the IT GEMS work stoppage, prior to Peraton being able to provide the original transition out services acquired. This modification action will ensure that DMDC is supported with maintenance, integration, and transition-out services for the period of performance through 01/06/2025, which will ensure a smooth transfer of services for the subsequent IT GEMS requirement which is currently under a stop work order due to a GAO protest …

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