Partner Request: Seeking Small Business Partners for $100M+ CMS CCIIO Data Services Hub (DSH) Recompete

A rapidly emerging mid-tier Federal Healthcare leader and Digital Transformation specialist is seeking “small business partners (Under $34M Average Annual Revenue) who can bring direct experience and/or relationships supporting the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight Marketplace Innovation and Technology Group and Hub Data effort.” 

If you have capabilities and/or relationships that can be of value, please contact us here, reference this specific post, and let us know, with any relevant information. Please keep it short.    

Note: This has been provided as an anonymous request, so OS AI will not reveal the name of the requestor. We will pass the information along, but there are no promises of a response.  

Alternatively, we always encourage interested firms to share their interest publicly in the form of a comment as there will be many other firms looking for partners. We do share posted comments in our newsletter, so it can be a great way to create awareness about your capabilities in relation to this type of need. Comment below – you must be logged in.  

Opportunity Background.  

Note: This came to OrangeSlices late yesterday with an ask to get this out before the Holiday break. More details will be shared about this opportunity in the future as CMS reveals more. Some basic details are included here and Additional Competitive Intelligence, to include background, key points of contact, etc is provided to OS AI Premium members at the bottom of this page.  

This 63-month contract was last awarded to longtime CMS industry partner and 2024 Elev8 GovCon honoree  Sparksoft Corporation in late 2019. It was competed as an unrestricted action on the CMS SPARC IDIQ. This task is set to expire in March of 2025, and limited to no details have been provided at this time as to the acquisition strategy for what promises to be a heavily competed recompete (what isn’t heavily competed at CMS?).   

A primary objective of the current contract was to sustain and improve DSH’s shared services, including synchronous transactions, Enterprise File Transfer (EFT), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), and the Eligibility Support Desk Change Utility (ESD-CU), within the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. 

To aid CMS in fulfilling its duties under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the incumbent contractor played a crucial role in supporting and managing the maintenance, operations, and enhancement of DSH in several areas, such as: 

  • Serving as the central point of contact for various entities including Federal and State Exchanges, State Medicaid/CHIP Agencies, Issuers, Third Party Administrators (TPAs), Agent/Brokers, and Trusted Data Sources (TDSs), which are utilized for client verification from both federal and private sectors, as well as any future Hub partners. 
  • Offering Operations and Maintenance (O&M) support for various DSH environments. 
  • Undertaking new development projects to maintain, improve, and evolve DSH and its subsystems, which might include decommissioning certain Hub services. 
  • Providing comprehensive support (Tiers 1, 2, and 3) for DSH and its subsystems. 
  • Delivering Regional Technical Support for state-related issues, including but not limited to maintenance of interfaces, updates and maintenance of DSH services, and support for state testing. 
  • Executing DevOps support for DSH. 

More will be shared as it is made available  

Related CMS News / Data    

Do you cover CMS closely? Track all of the latest news on the NEW OrangeSlices Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Intel Segment Page . 


Looking for an IT and consulting firm to partner with at CMS? Click Here  You can filter the list by several key indicators, including socio-economic status, NAICS, Contract vehicle, etc.   

Firms drawing the most attention:    

Below is a list of more than three dozen large and small companies we have noted as drawing the most views by Government and industry leaders on the OrangeSlices AI consultant directory over the 2nd half of 2023 and that bring direct past performance and/or related relationships in support of CMS.     

** An Elev8 GovCon Honoree, noted for a corporate culture that demonstrates excellence, making the company a beacon for talent, for partners, and for clients.             

We cannot and will not speculate here as to the reasons for the increased interest, but whether it is a company evaluating them as a potential partner; a federal acquisition leader doing their due diligence; or a consultant weighing their next job move, this group of companies has been receiving increased interest.     

🍊OS AI Premium: Included Below is more OS AI Competitive Intelligence and Notes (Key Points of Contacts, Incumbent contract details, , etc.) that directly align with this contract 


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