Partner Request: Seeking Prime for CMS RMADA3 Contract Bid

This established Disadvantaged Small Business, serving multiple states, is seeking a Prime contractor to lead a partnership for this active CMS RFP (RMADA3) intended to acquire continued support of analytical support and technical assistance activities that support models and demonstration programs created or derived under the auspices of the Patient Protection &Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), other non-ACA statutes, and future health reform legislation.  

The Ask: We are looking for a prime contractor to lead a partnership for the RMADA3  Contact, and task orders, and we offer our proven expertise and resources to enhance the team’s overall capabilities and pWin.  

Subcontractor Partner’s Key Strengths and Capabilities:  

Past Performance:  

  • Exceptional CPARS-related scores at the State level supporting State-wide implementation of Federal CMS Health infrastructure and ACA implementation 

Proposal writing support:  

  • Expertise in transformative Social Services and Healthcare, executing over 50 projects and providing over 500 professionals. Notable areas include the Medicaid IT System (MMIS), eligibility, childcare, and child protection.  

We provide specialty expertise and technical writing contribution in the following areas: 

  • Medicaid IT System (MMIS) Modeling, Maintenance and Support 
  • Medicaid Pharmacy Point of Sale (POS) System Integration & Implementation 
  • Medicaid Eligibility System Replacement Planning 
  • Health Insurance Exchange (HIX) System Implementation Planning 
  • Medicaid Expansion Planning and Implementation 
  • Medicaid Provider Enrollment System Integration and Implementation Support 
  • Medicaid Provider Online Portal Design, Development, and Implementation 
  • Data Warehouse Design, Development, Implementation, and Certification 
  • Data Analytics for Surveillance Utilization (SURS), Recoveries and Fraud Investigation and Program Integrity 
  • Behavioral Health Subject Matter Expertise, Cost Benefit Analysis, and RFP/SOW Development 


  • Exceptional people with proposal-ready resumes that showcase improvement and  implementation of Federal CMS Health infrastructure and ACA implementation 


  • ISO/IEC 27001:2022/ ISO 9001:2015/ CMMI-DEV/SVC V2.0 

By partnering with us, potential prime contractors can leverage our extensive experience, robust infrastructure, and commitment to excellence to deliver superior contact center operations for CMS.  


If you have capabilities and/or relationships that can be of value, pleasecontact us here and let us know, with any relevant information and please reference this partner request.  

Note: This has been provided as an anonymous request, so OS AI will not reveal the name of the requestor. We will pass the information along, but there are no promises of a response.         

Alternatively, we always encourage interested firms to share their interest publicly in the form of a comment as there will be many other firms looking for partners. We do share posted comments in our newsletter, so it can be a great way to create awareness about your capabilities in relation to this type of need. Comment below – you must be logged in.  



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