Partner Request: OPM OIG Investigations Case Management Automation Platforms Opportunity

A leading mid-tier IT services provider, who has existing experience implementing similar COTS solutions in a Federal environment, is looking for potential partners, regardless of size, with key relationships, contract vehicles and/or firsthand experience (IT or business) supporting the Office of the Inspector General Office of Investigations to support a potential bid on this upcoming Office of Personnel Management RFP.  

This is in direct response to an active RFI posted to eBuy.  

Pro Tip – If you are a firm with capabilities and socio-economic status that might support this or any related effort, comment below and let others know you are interested. Comments are some of the most viewed portions of any post.  

Opportunity Background 

“The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Office of Inspector General (OIG) is responsible for the processing of audits, management reviews, and investigations, filed under the operations of OPM, from the general intake stage through the investigative stage. The investigative cases include complaints rising from waste, fraud and abuse in agency programs and operations, and cases referred for prosecution and monetary recovery action. Proper handling of these cases requires that all relevant information be collected, that the processing of these cases by OPM OIG personnel be tracked, and that the required processing steps be recorded, and that reports in a variety of formats meeting a range of requirements and schedules be generated. OPM OIG Office of Investigations (OI) has a requirement for a web-based system that shall support improvements in response time, provide audit trails, and allow an expansion of the scope of information being collected, tracked, and reported on. 

The Automation Platform shall support a web-based enterprise application for tracking, processing, and managing OIG cases, as well as meeting regulatory reporting requirements. The system shall provide core support for the mission of the OIG. The vendor shall provide developer hours every year to improve and expand upon the system to meet OIG needs. The contractor will provide technical support and maintenance of the product. All work must be performed and in compliance with Federal regulations. 

The scope of this effort is as follows: 

  • Task 1- Provide commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) software capable of satisfying all of the requirements in Attachment A of this SOW and that is customizable by non-information technology personnel
  • Task 2 – Install COTS Software and migrate legacy system data
  • Task 3 – Configure and Implement COTS Software 
  • Task 4 – Train OPM OIG Staff
  • Task 5 – Project Management
  • Task 6 – Features and Upgrades
  • Task 7 – Maintenance and Support

OPM OIG OI requires a software package to track and manage the OIG investigation processes.  The OIG applications must have the capability to accommodate up to 25 concurrent users.  Designated OPM OIG OI personnel will be the primary users of the system.  OPM OIG also requires a software application that will provide the ability to communicate report information to senior management.  The software must have the capability to collect information in regards of investigation processes.  

The application will be hosted by the vendor.  Also required will be software maintenance, installation support, technical support, system administration manuals, user manuals, training for functional users and administrative users.” 

If you have capabilities and/or relationships that can be of value, please contact us here and let us know, with any relevant information and please reference this partner request. We are getting a lot more of these. Please keep it short.     

Note: This has been provided as an anonymous request, so OS AI will not reveal the name of the requestor. We will pass the information along, but there are no promises of a response.   

Alternatively, we always encourage interested firms to share their interest publicly in the form of a comment as there will be many other firms looking for partners. We do share posted comments in our newsletter, so it can be a great way to create awareness about your capabilities in relation to this type of need. Comment below – you must be logged in.   


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