At the beginning of every fiscal year, Public Law 100-656, the Business Opportunity Development Reform Act of 1988, requires Federal agencies to publish a Forecast of Contracting Opportunities (planned RFQs and RFPs), though agencies are not consistent in terms of what data is provided, how often it is updated, or how much opportunity data is provided.
Included below is a list of “Forecast of Contracting Opportunities” webpages for some of the known Federal Civilian Agencies, and sub-agency forecasts.
In addition, you will note an initial framework and grade for how each agency is doing in terms of meeting both the mandate and the spirit of the act.
- CFPB Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- DHS Department of Homeland Security
- DOC Department of Commerce – NOAA, NIST, CENSUS, etc.
- DOE Department of Energy
- DOI Department of the Interior
- DOJ Department of Justice
- DOL Department of Labor
- DOS Department of State
- DOT Department of Transportation
- ED Department of Education
- GSA General Services Administration
- HHS Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- HHS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- HHS Department of Health and Human Services
- HHS Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- HHS National Institutes of Health (NIH) Forecast
- HHS OSDBU “Contracts that are expiring soon report”
- HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development
- NASA National Aeronautics & Space Administration
- NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- NSF National Science Foundation
- SBA Small Business Administration
- SSA Social Security Administration
- TREA Department of the Treasury
- USAID Agency for International Development
- USDA Department of Agriculture
- US Office of Personnel Management
- VA Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
We should note that these opportunities are merely projections, and they are subject to revision or even cancellation. More forecast documents will be provided as they become available.
Feedback is welcome. This is an initial draft framework the OS AI team is using to evaluate the forecasts, and we will be reviewing and adjusting this on a regular basis. If you feel your that agency was misrepresented and/or we are missing a forecast document or agency, please comment below or contact us at the bottom of this page This resource is intended to benefit all.
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How hard is it for some of these agencies to provide an excel document or .csv as a .pdf forecast is a pain to work with.
CFPB’s forecast can be found here –