Nimbus Consulting – Rooted in Understanding and Driving towards a Common Ground for CMS and its Centers

When a firm is deeply embedded within a specific agency, and when they quietly record win after win in support of that agency, it is worth taking note. Here, we speak with Susan Reisdorf, Senior Program Director at Nimbus Consulting to learn more about this team’s success within CMS, why the agency’s unique construct takes more than a little understanding, and how serving Federal agencies cannot be about the money.

Rooted in Understanding

Self-described as a firm that provides bespoke solutions via a hands-on team that understands the agency’s requirements and recommends solutions to meet those needs, Nimbus is focused on supporting the key compelling mission of CMS, whatever form that may take – improving the health of millions of US Citizens as affordably as possible.

A giveaway by its name – Centers – CMS represents a complex organization, described as more like a federation of enterprises rather than a single unit. “Understanding the federal laws and mandates, the funding packages, the interplay between each center, and the distinct needs of each, is critical in successful delivery. While each unit may function independently, they are all connected by the data so you really need to be able to look across the ecosystem in deciding the best way forward.”

This independence, but also codependence, drives a continual give and take between the centers which requires looking at new technologies and new concepts for organizing data with consideration for the enterprise as a whole. As greater flexibility for adoption and project management has come forward, as greater interoperability between the centers has been facilitated, that lens becomes even more critical.

Existing as an entity made up of multiple smaller parts, CMS too has a unique culture that must be understood. “The interaction, the give and take, means that many decisions require consensus or buy-in from other centers. That means you don’t walk in and expect an immediate decision. There may be time or additional work required.”

Understanding the needs of all stakeholders, those evident and those behind the scenes, is a unique challenge and experience different from other agencies. “This is where we can bring a lot to the table in terms of perspective and insight.”

The company also brings to the table expertise on its team from the ‘outside world’, which can bring insight that may otherwise be outside the realm of what CMS may consider, but that has the potential to be adapted for its use.

Leveraging a focus on collaboration, on a culture and people driven by a desire to connect to solve problems for citizens, Nimbus is uniquely aligned and able to walk that common ground.

Seeing the Problem for the Forest

Part of the success of Nimbus has been its ability to identify the root problem and then to advise on the best solution to move forward. Unlike other teams focused on development, the Nimbus team is focused on guiding CMS, on determining simple solutions, and recommending the most cost-effective options.

As for many agencies, some of the biggest hurdles for CMS relate to keeping up with an accelerated rate of change. “There are so many rules baked into various systems and processes. We balance staying on top of all the innovations and advancements in technology with a practical approach, help our client balance innovation with stability, and do what makes sense, not simply react to the latest new thing.”

Using quick turnaround proof of concepts based on its unique customer insights, combined with technical expertise, the company works to help the customer understand proposed solutions, quickly vet new tools, and consider alternatives  “Providing a combination of project management and technical leadership, we help our customers understand what the trade offs are and give them all the information they need to make good decisions.”

Not About the Money

If the prior mentions of most cost-effective didn’t deliver the message clearly enough, it must be said that Nimbus is not beyond making recommendations that move against a profit motive, simply because it is the right thing to do. That same mindset is what it seeks in potential partners as well. “Our focus is on doing what is best for the customer to ensure their success, as well as that of the partners involved. Sometimes what is best is not about the bottom line but more aligned with culture, with the mission, and with what and how we deliver to stakeholders.”

Among its team it seeks those with a high level of deep and broad experience, especially in the area of health care, although people from other fields have also seen success. “Coming from banking or a similar field there may be more time needed to bring someone up to speed on who and what CMS is, on how the mindset differs.”

Once that is established, however, the team is empowered to do what must be done. Approaching leadership from the view of coaching and mentorship, there is a focus on sharing ideas and then allowing people to take information and use it to inform customer interaction and mission delivery.

Whatever may come for CMS, Nimbus has the patience, depth of understanding, and a willingness to get the work done, in the best way possible, for the government and its stakeholders.



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