Notice ID: 75N95024Q00481 | Related Notice: 75N95023R00028-SBSS
Original Published Date: Aug 16, 2024 01:30 pm EDT
Original Date Offers Due: Sep 06, 2024 11:59 am EDT
Original Inactive Date: Sep 21, 2024

The National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) Information Technology Resources Branch (ITRB) Cybersecurity Services (CSS) Division requires dedicated cybersecurity services to apply information security, privacy, and risk management measures to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the scientific systems and collaborative platforms that make up the NCATS virtual research organization as well as for the Center’s general IT environment.

The contractor will provide full-time support through a small cadre of individuals under a fixed-price task order. The individuals working under this contract are expected to have deep individual cybersecurity expertise. Discrete tasks (for example, completion of an authorization to operate (ATO) package) will be performed through fixed-price or time-and materials task orders structured to meet those needs (e.g. for a period of weeks or months, part-time, on-site/off-site, by subcontract, joint venture, etc.). The contractor will provide advice to the CSS division chief regarding the most advantageous and cost-effective
approaches to accomplish the tasks in this Statement of Work (SOW).

These support services will primarily consist of direct support to the CSS Division on a fixedprice basis, with the first task order to provide for full-time level of effort that will address the contract management and program management tasks described below. Additional task orders may be issued on a fixed-price level of effort, fixed price completion, time-andmaterials, or labor hours basis.

The first task order will be awarded concurrently with the award of the parent IDIQ, and will provide for full-time support that will address the contract management and program management tasks described

See The Full Solicitation Here


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