NIH NCI Presolicitation: Center for Global Health, Coordination, Data Analysis and Technical Support

Notice ID 75N91023R00033

Related Notice 75N91023R00033

The Center for Global Health (CGH) supports NCI’s mission to improve cancer control worldwide. CGH contributes by advancing global cancer research and training and coordinating NCI engagement in global cancer control. CGH also represents NCI in international research partnerships, playing a key role in coordinating multinational research efforts for global benefit.

CGH engages in multiple research, training, and dissemination activities with international partners. To respond to the broad mandate given to the NCI and to fulfill its own mission, CGH is in need of technical support and coordination for research initiatives; program evaluation to determine the merit of training and other international programs; data and portfolio analyses to address timely research questions with available data and assess investment in different relevant research areas; and preparation of documents to disseminate information about research programs, global cancer control activities, and evaluation results and analyses.

CGH leads multiple extramural initiatives in implementation science (IS) for cancer control in LMICs, along with in-house research initiatives and related activities. These new initiatives also make use of cooperative agreement mechanisms with the intent that CGH will have substantial involvement in the scientific activities conducted by grantees. In particular, given that global cancer implementation science remains at a relatively early stage of development, grantees working in this area will benefit greatly from sharing methods, measures, and solutions as they build their research programs. To facilitate this collaboration, CGH is creating a consortium across grantees to maximize NCI’s investment across these multiple initiatives. Support is needed to enable collaboration across funded projects and initiatives in the consortium, as well as linking to other NCI and National Institutes of Health (NIH) IS initiatives.

The contractor shall perform the following services, as specified in the individual task order.

Task 1: Technical support for CGH research, coordination, and evaluation activities

The contractor shall provide services to support collaborative research consortium activities across CGH initiatives; evaluate research activities qualitatively and quantitatively; support trans-program coordination; and conduct process and/or outcome evaluation of CGH programs. The support includes, but is not limited to: coordination activities for CGH research initiatives; coordination of working groups and steering committees for extramural initiatives; development of research project frameworks and evaluations; management of content and organization of online resources for research collaboration; conduct focus groups; qualitative and quantitative data analysis; survey design; key informant interviews; and the conduct and reporting of outcomes (e.g. presentations, reports, manuscripts)…

Task 2: Data and portfolio analysis, and production of accompanying reports

The contractor shall conduct qualitative and quantitative analyses from existing datasets. Activities may include secondary data analysis from global data sources, analysis of global grant portfolio data, literature reviews, and bibliometric analysis. Tasks may include, but are not limited to:

  • Extracting data from NCI systems (Query/View/Report (QVR), NIH Reporter, World Report, International Cancer Research Portfolio (ICRP), etc.).
  • Applying protocols for data cleaning and organization, including creating country level variables for global projects
  • Use of Excel, Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) and other software systems for data analysis.
  • Conduct descriptive analyses including trends over time and multivariate analysis of applications and funded awards to address programmatic questions.
  • Conduct text mining of application abstracts, specific aims, and/or publications to characterize research activity areas…

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