Notice ID N0018924METOCSUS
Work under this contract is to be accomplished for the Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR) Suffolk, VA and the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (NAVMETOCCOM), Stennis Space Center, MS, and its Echelon IV organizations: Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) and Naval Oceanography Operations Command (NAVOCEANOPSCOM), Stennis Space Center, MS; Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FLENUMMETOCCEN), Monterey, CA; U.S. Naval Observatory (USNAVOBSY), Washington DC; USNAVOBSY, Flagstaff, AZ; USNAVOBSY Alternate Master Clock, Colorado Springs, CO; Fleet Weather Center (FLEWEACEN), San Diego, CA; Fleet Weather Center (FLEWEACEN), Norfolk, VA; and their respective Echelon V subordinate sites to include Naval Ice Center (NAVICECEN) Suitland, MD, Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JOINT TYPHOON WARCEN) Pearl Harbor, HI, Naval Oceanography AntiSubmarine Warfare Center (NAVOCEANASWCEN) Yokosuka, Japan, Naval Oceanography Mine Warfare CP Bahrain, Fleet Weather Center Detachment, Pentagon.
The objective of this effort is to procure non-personal contractor service support to analyze, sustain, maintain, engineer, integrate, and enhance METOC IT software/system capabilities under a single-award, indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract. The eventual contract, if awarded, will contain firm-fixed price, firm-fixed price level of effort (LOE) provisions for labor, and cost-reimbursable travel. Task orders will be individually funded and specify the task, labor categories, travel, and other requirements. Task orders may be written and issued as firm-fixed price or firm-fixed-price level of effort.
SCOPE: COMNAVMETOCCOM, NAVIFOR and associated subordinate commands are in need of a technically competent and innovative contractor with expertise in the following technical disciplines: Software and Systems Engineering, METOC Data Architectures and System Architectures, Numerical Weather Prediction and Oceanographic modeling, Oceanographic and Meteorological sciences and their applications to Naval Warfare, and DOD Cyber Security Policies and Compliance guidelines. This contract effort will provide Software Engineering, Sustainment and Modernization to NAVMETOCCOM.
The Information Technology (IT) software systems, data architectures, web services, and modeling software that enable these mission areas comprise Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS), Government off-theshelf (GOTS), and Open Source applications and software systems, which are deployed in Navy cloud environments and on premise computing platforms. They include mission-specific data collection, assimilation, visualization, and distribution software sub- systems, Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and Oceanographic modeling software systems, scientific computing software, mission analysis software/scripts, Tactical Decision Aids (TDAs), database applications, net-centric services, and Geospatial Information & Services (GI&S). These varied IT mission capabilities must be sustained and are critical to METOC operational readiness. Additionally, as oceanographic, atmospheric, and satellite data models increase in resolution, and improvements to visualization, modeling, and analysis tools increase forecast accuracy, these enhanced tools and capabilities will need to be integrated into the existing METOC software/system portfolio. The DOD Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has developed widely accepted Capability Maturity Models (CMM/CMMI) for systems/software engineering. Navy METOC have developed extensive experience and expertise in the use of the component processes of these models in performing their part of the systems and software engineering mission.
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