Notice ID: M68909-24-I-7608
This IDIQ contract provides services in the following functional areas that support the command’s mission of testing, engineering, integration, and sustainment support of the C5ISR PoRs:
- Data Management – Identifying data elements for capture and analysis is based on the test requirements measures and parameters identified by the Test Director and other members of the test team. Test engineers considers how the system under test (SUT) processes, stores, transmits, and logs data when engineering In-Band and Out-of-Band test architectures. Test engineers determines if the desired data elements can be captured, determines all data collection points, and selects appropriate data capture tools. Test engineers works with the Test Director to decide a course of action as early as possible to ensure that data requirements will be captured during the test execution phase, filtered, and analyzed during the analysis phase, and data results presented in the reporting phase. A strategic goal we are trying to achieve is to increase the level of test automation with respect to data monitoring, collection, reduction, analysis, and reporting.
- Cyber Security – MCTSSA’s Cyber Assessment Branch conducts adversarial cyber assessments on Marine Corps PoR and system of systems. Cyber assessments determine how and where systems are vulnerable and the operational impacts if they were exploited by an adversary. With the Marine Corps pivoting to the Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) concept, many systems are designed to communicate with each other to increase the effectiveness of the kill chain. A side effect of this concept is that it broadens the cyber-attack surface. It is imperative that we assess our systems to understand the risks associated with these vulnerabilities and recommend mitigations to the Program Offices.
The Contractor shall provide personnel with expertise to perform activities outlined in this document, as well as each subsequent task order. The Contractor shall ensure technical management, coordination of task activities, and administrative support be provided as required. Detailed tasks will be provided in each task order PWS, which will also identify any specific tactical systems and/or tools that are specific to the task order requirements.
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