Notice ID: N66001-25-Q-6023
Related Notice: N66001-25-Q-6023
Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific has a requirement to use FedRAMP penetration testing / cyber experts for innovative cloud network design, to ensure that the infrastructure is properly secured.
NIWC PAC implemented COSMOS as a CNAP with a ZT security model, which is designed to eliminate implicit trust of any one element, node, or service and instead requires continuous verification of the operational picture using real-time information to determine access and other system responses. COSMOS uses commercial transport to Amazon Web Services (AWS) Impact Level (IL)-4/5 GovCloud. Due to this innovative cloud network design, the COSMOS team needs to ensure that the infrastructure is properly secured via a penetration test and red team assessment. The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FEDRAMP) is the United States federal government-wide compliance program that provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services. The NIWC-PAC Command and Control Systems Division, Code 53200, has a requirement to use FedRAMP penetration testing / cyber experts for these assessments due to their advanced expertise in the cloud domain.
DOA through 30 September 2025.
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