Notice ID M6700124Q0002
MCIEAST-MCB Camp LeJeune Contracting Department has a requirement for support services that will provide contractor aviation logistics support services to assist 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (MAW). The contractor shall support the Aviation Logistics Department in areas of procedures, administration, IT, supply procedures, programming, and planning. Services will be in accordance with the draft Performance Work Statement (PWS) attached.
This will be a Firm Fixed Price contract in accordance. The intended contract shall be for a one (1) year base period and two (2) additional 1-year option periods. The submission of information is for planning purposes only and is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government to procure any items or services.
3.1 Aviation Logistics Department (ALD) Procedures
Provide support to the Assistant Chief of Staff (AC/S) ALD and all division heads in the preparation of studies, estimates, plans, orders, instructions, and reports pertaining to aviation logistics within the MEF, MAW, Marine
Expeditionary Unit (MEU), Marine Aircraft Group (MAG), Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron (MALS), and any other location as designated by the AC/S ALD.
The complements mixture shall be balanced in a manner to adequately support 22,368 annual hours of Aviation Logistics support.
Due to the urgent and continuous nature of this requirement, the government requires the contractor to maintain the proposed workforce at 100% manning. As such, the contractor is expected to develop a manning plan to fill any planned or unplanned vacancies on an expedited basis. Any vacancies that occur in the contractor’s proposed manning should be filled within 14 calendar days. Any manning vacancies that remain unfilled after 14 days will have an invoice offset calculated using the total proposed daily cost (including profit and overhead) for the position left vacant (based on a 30 day month) times the number of vacant days in the billing cycle plus an additional 10% of the cost calculated.
- Regular review of current operational and supporting plans, applicable orders/instructions, and Naval correspondence, and providing the AC/S ALD with supplementary information as required.
- Regular review of current policy and programs impacting the mission of aviation logistics…
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