Notice ID: N00039-24-Q-OCM1
Reference Historic postings: Notice ID NAVWAR_Headquarters_MKTSVY_19722A
This is an informational posting intended to keep Industry informed and apprised of the status of this procurement. We intend to post a draft RFQ by the end of April 2024.
The Program Executive Office Manpower, Logistics and Business Solutions (PEO MLB) is acquiring specialized Organizational Change Management Consulting and support services (SS) to assist in the development, execution, and monitoring of transformational efforts across its portfolio of programs.
Organizational Change Management is a structured approach to support individuals through a change and transition to a new way of working. The process typically includes three major phases: preparation, implementation, and follow-through.
PEO MLB implements a broad range of IT solutions across the Department of the Navy. These enterprise solutions are generally extremely large efforts ranging from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of users. Support is required for both PEO MLB with its technical implementations as well as PEO MLB’s sponsors/customers who oversee and implement the business transformation, organizational change, and cultural change management efforts.
This contract provides the Government with certified organizational change management (OCM) support with assessing the environment and stakeholders, planning for change, stakeholder engagement, assisting stakeholder communities transitioning to new business processes, sustaining the transformation, preparing graphics and communications products, assessing change success, and managing change efforts as projects.
The Contractor shall provide the expertise and support needed to assist the government in the development and execution of OCM projects that ensure stakeholder buy-in and successful change adoption (often requiring the organization to change from organization specific, customized processes to industry/federal enterprise standard processes delivered in commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products and services) to maintain program cost, schedule, and performance goals.
This is a commercial blanket purchase agreement (BPA) statement of objectives (SOO). As calls are required, the Government may generate a SOO or work statement specific to that portfolio or call. It is anticipated that each Portfolio’s Deputy Program Manager will require at least one call for OCM over the duration of this BPA. It is possible that other DON offices in the National Capital Region may request OCM support. The PEO MLB Front Office is expected to release the first RFQ for a call, to include overarching management of the BPA and enterprise OCM efforts.
OCM Project Management. The contractor must perform project and contract management to ensure timely and effective performance, quality assurance, as well as effectively plan and monitor work activities and actions of contractor personnel. The contractor shall provide the necessary support and expertise to draft, review, revise, and deliver documents required in following task areas. The contractor shall designate a principal point of contact for the Government concerning any technical and functional issues, who will also be responsible for progress updates. Such functions include preparing documents (e.g., briefings, point papers, meeting minutes), document management, and communicating contract performance with the Government.
The contractor shall also support the plan, management, and execute OCM efforts as formal projects, including identification of dependencies with the overarching program …
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