By Steve Delahunty, ,

In keeping with the procurement timeline, NASA has started their batches of answers to industry questions.  This first batch has many answers related to Category A letters of authorization, pricing and NAICS. However of the first 1399 questions answered only about 125 have answers other than pointing to related answers/comments, citing a previous amendment that already addressed the question, answering that the solicitation will remain as stated, or citing that the answer will be provided in a forthcoming amendment. Of the 1399 questions about 125 have true answers and many are logically related. 

On Tuesday 10-15 NASA published their first set of Q&A as promised per their timeline. NASA didn’t just publish a list of questions that were answered – the list includes unanswered questions too. Of the 5143 questions in the list, 1399 are answered. NASA Noted that they will be publishing responses to other comments in the near future. The most recent timeline published by NASA cited the following: 

  • Provide Industry Answers to Current Questions (i.e. all ~6,800 questions received to date) – October 1st to 22nd
  • Additional Questions Submission Period – October 22nd to 24th

Per the published timeline, industry won’t have any RFP amendment expected until early November, NASA says NLT November 4th.  So industry may suffer some confusion in determining impacts from Q&A without an updated RFP and attachments.  If the amended RFP and updated attachments are published on Nov 4th that then leaves just over 6 weeks until till the Dec 18th submission date to make proposal adjustments and finalize bids. 

1399 questions answered so far out of 5143 in the NASA spreadsheet.  NASA previously cited that there were ~6,800 questions received to date. 

979 were “See Comment” and then the comment number.
167 were “The Solicitation has been updated in an Amendment prior to Amendment 7” or similar.
67 were “”The Comment is out of date.”
61 were “The Solicitation will remain as stated.” 

So that really leaves 125 questions truly answered.  

Some high level notes: 

  • There are many answers that note that NASA will clarify/update in the amended RFP but no strict answer to that subset of questions in the Q&A.  These question answers state “The Solicitation has been updated” but of course we don’t yet have the updated solicitation. 
  • Many questions and answers about Category A bid Letters of Authorization (LOAs).  Many other questions/answers about the Category A list of OEMs. 
  • Quite a few questions about NAICS, matches from the RFP to the NAICS Size Standard Crosswalk (Exhibit 4).  NASA will update both files to ensure synchronization.  Also questions about new NAICS but most were already answered/added. 
  • Pricing questions and answers on how to complete the fields in the Exhibit 3x- Category X Solutions Spreadsheet.  
  • Small firms can bid Full-and-Open bids also in their awarded Category. 
  • This limit on Category C dollar values of Task Order values awarded in Year 1 and Year 2 is not changed. Category C has a threshold restriction of $2 million per order (inclusive of options) for the 1st year of contract performance and $10 million per order in the 2nd year of contract performance. Category C threshold restrictions are subject to removal beginning in the 3rd year of contract performance. 

Most recent NASA procurement schedule per 

  • Provide Industry Answers to Current Questions (i.e. all ~6,800 questions received to date) – October 1st to 22nd 
  • Additional Questions Period – October 22nd to 24th 
  • All Amendments and Answers to any Additional Questions – NLT November 4th 
  • Industry Day – November 6th (morning session or afternoon session) 
  • SEWP VI Proposal Submission Due Date – December 18th 

Reminder on Nov 6th Industry Day links: 

The WebEx registration links: 


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