Millennium Challenge Corporation RFI: Acquisition Support Services

Notice ID 953324-RFI

The MCC Department of Administration and Finance (A&F), Contracts & Grants Management (CGM) Division, provides acquisition support for the MCC operations. The MCC is required to follow the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) when processing contract actions. The majority of contracts awarded are for professional services, including consultants with expertise in such fields as agriculture, finance, procurement, U.S. law and/or the laws of MCC compact recipient countries, and architect & engineering services. Many contracts are issued for services to be performed outside the United States.  Since the MCC has authority to contract for personal services, a large number of them are procured through personal services contracts.

The CGM Division requires professional services from one or more contractors to provide acquisition support services to supplement its competitive staff. Currently, the CGM Division is staffed with a Managing and Deputy Director and up to thirty (30) staff members, including thirteen (13) civil services employees and 15 to 20 positions filled by contractors. To that end, MCC requires an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract to facilitate a sufficient pool of candidates from which to fill positions as they become vacant…

The CGM Division uses Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products for its Contract Writing System, Contract Workload Tracking, and Operational Reporting. It is a web-based environment which includes integration with many of the agency’s existing systems such as the Interior Business Center DOI/IBC, Oracle Federal Financials, Oracle iProcurement, and other Integrated Acquisition Environment systems (e.g. FPDS, SAM, FBO, CPARS, etc.) to receive and upload data. The components of the system used by MCC’s Contracts and Grants Management Division are identified below:

Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) – The contracting system through the Federal Shared Services Providers (FSSP), the Department of Interior’s Interior Business Center, for creating solicitations, amendments, contracts, and modifications.

Workload tracking: This module provides for workload tracking and management throughout the acquisition lifecycle, as well as operational reporting. Workload tracking may include Process Action Lead Time (PALT), Milestones, action traceability and linking, automated workflow management, role- based controls.

As the CGM Division uses these systems to process contract actions, the contractor staff must become adept in using these systems as expeditiously as possible to ensure customer acquisitions are processed timely and accurately. In addition, CGM utilizes the other following COTS products:

Microsoft Office (Particularly Word, Excel, and Project) – For generation of contract file documentation

Microsoft SharePoint – For storage of electronic files and accessing standard operating procedures, templates, and calendars…

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