Notice ID:Ā 030ADV25R0017
The Library of Congress (Library) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) requires services from an independent firm with expertise and experience performing audits, evaluations, and other reviews. The OIG functions within the Library as an independent, objective office with authority to: conduct and supervise audits, evaluations, investigations, and other reviews relating to the Library; provide leadership and coordination in recommending policies to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness and inform the Librarian of Congress and the U.S. Congress about problems and deficiencies related to Library administration and operations. The OIG requires a contractor that will provide audit, evaluations and inspections for Library Information Technology (IT). Contractor shall provide independent audit, evaluation, and other review services for Library information Technology (IT) related topics for the Office of the Inspector General at the Library of Congress.
The topics of Contractor-provided audit services will include IT systems, products, and software, such as but not limited to:
- Software applications,
- Infrastructure,
- Physical IT assets (e.g., laptops),
- investments,
- operations,
- Software development
- Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products
- Platform as a Service (PaaS)/Software as a Service (SaaS) systems
- Database management systems ā¦
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