Notice ID: 24-74-A-PMO-OITA
At a summary level, the Government has interest in and is seeking information regarding the capability of firms who can provide services support for the Office of Chief Counsel systems and components (also referred to as the Counsel Automated Legal Systems – CALS) as described below. For each of the application that is part of the CALS project, the contractor shall collaborate with the CALS government team, IT partners, and Chief Counsel end users to provide application maintenance and change request support.
The IRS Office of Applications Development (AD) Internal Management (IM), Legal Systems Section requires Contractor support to operate and maintain the nationwide technical infrastructure.
The scope of this PWS encompasses Contractor support for the following Office of Chief Counsel systems and components (also referred to as the Counsel Automated Legal Systems – CALS):
- Counsel Automated Systems Environment Management Information System (CASE-MIS). This is an Oracle middle tier application that provides Chief Counsel is designed to manage attorney case workload. The application tracks Disclosure Litigation cases, supports task tracking, assignments and tracking of time by case and provides statistical reporting on inventories and litigation trends to support justification of Chief Counsel resource needs.
- Chief Counsel Macros (CCMACROS). This application serves as a document generation system used to automate creation of letters, memoranda, litigation, and other legal documents. This application uses CC business rules to ensure documents have the correct format for the jurisdiction in which they are filed.
- Chief Counsel Check (CCACHECK). This application captures and classifies emails from National Office attorneys providing advice to the Field or the IRS. Emails flagged as CCA are copied to a Word document that supports redaction and automated submission to for public inspection.
- Electronic Tax Court Services (eTCS). This application was established in 2008 as a mandate from the U.S. Tax Courts and extends outside the boundaries of CC, IRS, Treasury, and the Executive branch of the Federal Government. eTCS enables the US Tax Courts to legally serve documents electronically to the IRS Office of Chief Counsel via a secure external interface. …
The period of performance is a base year with three option years.
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