Notice ID: 19AQMM24R0219

  • Contract Award Date: Aug 30, 2024
  • Contract Award Number: 19AQMM24C0106

A sole source award to Akumen, Inc under the 8(a) business development program is being made. The justification is attached. Akumen has been determined to be the only 8(a) company capable of fulfilling this urgent short-term contract, and the justification required by FAR 6.303-2(d) has been completed, approved, and is attached. The contract to follow this short-term sole source award will be a competitive 8(a) award. The contract will provide expertise and support in the execution of enterprise web-based, cloud-based, desktop and mobile computer solutions. While the services offered by the Diplomatic Technology Bureau’s Systems’ Systems and Integration Office (SIO) are ever evolving, the core groupings of services, that will be provided largely through the expertise and support being acquired, span several key capabilities, to include Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), data management, and engineering support cover the entire spectrum of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

More here.

Awardee Name: AKUMEN, INC.
Unique Entity ID: L48BN4Z53L27
Total Contract Value: $13,340,435.58
Action Obligation: $13,340,435.58
Description: diplomatic technology application services
Number of Bidders: 1
Award ID: 19AQMM24C0106
RFP ID: 19AQMM24R0219
Set Aside Used: 8(a) Sole Source
NAICS: 541519
Award Type: Definitive Contract
Start Date: 2024-08-31
Ultimate Completion Date: 2026-04-30


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