Notice ID: RFQ-25-PHX-016
The objective of this contract is to work the backlog of aged accounts and reduce turnaround time for payments. Factors preventing PIMC from collecting this debt include patient backlog in obtaining proper documentation to determine eligibility and claim denials from all payers. Contract will improve patient access team and denial management process following IHS policies and guidelines. The contractor shall train and find solutions for staff productivity tracking, provide recommendations to management, and conclude backlog for Patient Registration Office and Denial Management to increase revenue from aged accounts.
The Contractor will need access to internal IHS systems and alternate resource sites to verify payer information and research aging claims. Following system requirements include:
- Resource and Patient Management System Package (RPMS)
- Electronic Health Record (EHR),
- Aging claims, Accounts Receivable, and Third-Party Billing Folders
The Contractor will also be provided with access to any Commercial Payer Websites and clearing houses that PIMC has access to.
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