HUD RFI: Risk Management Analysis Services

Notice ID:  APP-H-2025-010

The Office of Healthcare Programs (OHP) administers FHA’s programs that provide mortgage insurance to healthcare facilities to support access to affordable financing options to fund capital projects, such as new construction or modernization projects.  OHP program offices include the Office of Hospital Facilities (OHF) and the Office of Residential Care Facilities (ORCF).  With an outstanding portfolio balance of nearly $40 billion, managing risk is an important focus of OHP.  OHP mitigates risk upfront during the underwriting process and, after loan closing, through the identification and monitoring of troubled properties.  OHP’s risk management efforts include a robust set of actions to reduce claim payments.

The Contractor shall provide consulting services in support of its risk management activities.  By obtaining these services, HUD will be better able to manage its $40 billion portfolio of insured hospital and residential care facility loans and accomplish HUD’s mission of improving the way HUD does business.

The Contractor shall be required to furnish all the necessary services, qualified personnel, materials, equipment, not otherwise provided by the Government.  Services and capabilities include:

  • Financial Statement Spreading
  • Financial Modeling
  • Portfolio Risk Analysis and Monitoring
  • Database Maintenance
  • Training and Support
  • Custom Ad Hoc Analysis and Reports

Learn more here.


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