HHS HRSA RFP: Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) Board of Directors Support IDIQ

Notice ID: 75R60224R00009_FINAL

Related Notice: HSB115C4580

This Indefinite-Delivery-Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle supports the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) Modernization Initiative. The OPTN is a comprehensive network of transplant professionals and community members charged with increasing organ donation and operating and overseeing a fair and accountable system for allocating and transplanting organs. The contractor will provide strategic and administrative support services to support HRSA and the OPTN Board of Directors in providing effective governance and oversight of the OPTN.

OPTN Board of Directors Support contractor will be independent from other awards made to support the OPTN. Contractor services to be provided include Board of Directors’ staffing, services that facilitate the Board member nomination and election processes, services to support Board governance and oversight functions, review and updating of Board processes and procedures, facilitation and support of Board review and updating of the OPTN Bylaws, and administrative services for operations of the Board. Specific deliverables will be articulated at the task order level. The OPTN Board Support contractor will work closely with HRSA, the OPTN Board of Directors, and other HRSA contractors (OPTN operations contractors and the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients contractor) to effectively advance the mission of the OPTN.

HRSA is releasing a single-award Indefinite-Delivery-Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) solicitation to provide support and services for an independent OPTN Board of Directors. Services in this solicitation include:

  • Establishing a transitional nominating committee and seeking public input to develop a slate of candidates for an independent OPTN Board of Directors.
  • Conducting a special election/appointment to establish an independent OPTN Board of Directors.
  • Reviewing and providing recommendations for modernizing OPTN bylaws and conflict of interest policy.
  • Reviewing Board composition and structure and making recommendations for reforms to improve functionality and system outcomes.
  • Supporting the Board of Directors in executing its management and functional responsibilities for OPTN organ matching policy and operations, OPTN membership standards, OPTN budget and financing, and other functions.
  • Providing support to the Board for strategic planning, training, and performance evaluation.
  • Collaborating with other OPTN contractors across the HRSA Modernization Initiative. The OPTN Board Support Contractor will not be eligible for other HRSA OPTN contracts.

HRSA intends to award the Board Support IDIQ to a non-profit organizations and issue task orders for services included in the performance work statement. The number and scope of task orders issued is contingent on final Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations.

Read more here.


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