Notice ID 75R60224R00003
The purpose of this Indefinite-Delivery-Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) requirement is to provide a contract mechanism to facilitate the production of relevant, high-priority, and robust evaluations and evidence-building activities to support B/Os within HRSA. These activities may include evaluations, policy analyses, descriptive research studies, as well as activities such as the development, implementation, and analyses of quality improvement projects to identify programmatic best practices (e.g., through assessing grantee satisfaction, patient satisfaction, or customer experience), assessment of evaluation capacity, and the development and implementation of performance and quality measurement tools and data collection methods to monitor program performance. The evidence-building and evaluation work conducted under this IDIQ contract will be awarded through individual task orders developed by HRSA Bureaus and Offices. Section IV, Task Order Requirements, provides additional information about required project management workplans, records and information management, Section 508 compliance, and the HHS Policy for Information Technology Security and Privacy. The following describes the typical tasks which may be required of the Contractor in the performance of awarded task orders. Task orders may not necessarily include the entire set of task areas listed below; however, they must specify the actual tasks to be performed along with the project-specific information required for completion of the task order. The activities related to evidence-building and evaluation studies and services are organized to support the following four (4) key Task Areas: 1. Task Area 1: Program Evaluations. Conducting program evaluations, including formative, process, outcome, impact, and economic evaluations. 2. Task Area 2: Other Evidence Building Activities. Conducting other evidence- building activities beyond program evaluation, such as the development of logic models/theories of change, needs assessments, evaluability assessments, organizational assessments, performance and quality measurement, systematic reviews, policy analyses, exploratory studies, descriptive studies, and predictive analytics. 3. Task Area 3: Communication and Dissemination. Communicating and disseminating findings from evaluations and evidence-building activities. 4. Task Area 4: Data Optimization. Optimizing data, filling data gaps, and identifying and implementing improvements to data, including collecting, cleaning, validating, linking, and managing data, to support evaluations and evidence-building activities.
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