GAO High-Risk Series: Heightened Attention Could Save Billions More and Improve Government Efficiency and Effectiveness



Since GAO’s 2023 update to the High-Risk List, Congress and executive branch agencies have taken actions resulting in notable improvements across the 37 high-risk areas. These efforts over the last two years resulted in about $84 billion in financial benefits. However, the progress made overall varied. Ten areas improved their standing and three regressed, while the others maintained their position, were rated for the first time, or were newly added. Lasting solutions to high-risk problems could save billions of dollars, improve service to the public, and increase government performance and accountability.

We added a new high-risk area on Improving the Delivery of Federal Disaster Assistance. Recent natural disasters—including wildfires in Southern California and hurricanes in the Southeast—demonstrate the need for federal agencies to deliver assistance as efficiently and effectively as possible and reduce their fiscal exposure.

While all high-risk areas need to make more progress, we highlight several areas that require significant attention. Examples of areas in need of significant attention include:

  • Harnessing Modern Information Technology to Improve Services and Programs: The government spends over $100 billion annually on IT, with the vast majority of this spent on operations and maintenance of existing systems rather than new technology. Many attempts to implement new systems have too often run far over budget, experienced significant delays, and delivered far fewer improvements than promised.
  • Expediting the Pace of Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protections: Government and private sector systems are under attack thousands of times each day, putting systems supporting Americans’ daily lives at risk, such as safe water, energy supplies, reliable and secure telecommunications, and financial services. Cybersecurity threats require greater federal efforts to better understand the status of technological developments with security implications, such as artificial intelligence, to continue to enhance public and private sector coordination.
  • Better Protecting Public Health and Reducing Risks: Several of GAO’s high-risk areas focus on addressing critical weaknesses in public health efforts. Recommendations focus on issues such as coordinating public health emergencies, improving federal oversight of food safety, and addressing persistent drug shortages.
  • Addressing Human Capital Management Challenges: Human capital challenges are cross-cutting issues that intersect with many items on GAO’s High-Risk List. Twenty areas are included in the list in part due to skills gaps or an inadequate number of staff. Moreover, the government-wide personnel security clearance process, which ensures adequate screening to handle sensitive information, is not effectively managed

View the report here.


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