A research request was recently provided to OS AI from a mid-tier CIO-SP4 Prime bidder looking for details related to a potential FY 2023 recompete of this Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration contract.
We at OrangeSlices AI believe in the need for more and better-informed competition, so provided below are a few of the 1) opportunity details provided by the requestor; 2) some key points of contact; 3) related pursuit/capture data; and 4) when possible, projected odds of this contract going back to the incumbent.
Competitive Details (if known):
- Funding Agency: Commerce Department National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Incumbent: Leidos
- Contract Vehicle: This was last competed on CIO-SP3.
- Expected Competition Date: Fiscal Year 2023 – date tbd
- Contract Details and Spend to Date for Award ID 1305M418FNAAJ0010
Scope: A focus for the predecessor contract was “to support and manage the cyber and enterprise security operations for the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), to include helping to ensure the NOAA Cyber Security Center (NCSC) can continuously conduct enterprise monitoring and situational awareness for network security events against sophisticated attacks across an asset base supporting over 20,000 users, and helping the DOC Enterprise Security Operations Center (ESOC) provide department-wide, 24×7, near real-time cybersecurity status information to enable timely decision-making across all Commerce Bureaus.”
** Please note that OS AI will not speculate here as to the accuracy of any scope details provided and/or any current plans related to the timing, details, and likelihood of any recompete.
Related Data:
- Press Release: Leidos Awarded Department of Commerce Task Order to Provide Cyber Security Services, November 28, 2018
- Protest of $110M NOAA Cyber Security Center and DOC Enterprise Security Operation Center award is denied, November 1, 2018
- Privacy Impact Assessment, NOAA Cyber Security Center (NCSC), June 6, 2022
- Commerce FY2023 Budget in Brief
Sample of Key Potential Points of Contact (current or past):
- Eric Olmstead, Branch Chief, IT Services, Corporate Services Acquisition Division, Acquisition and Grants Office, NOAA
- Chi Kang, Deputy Director for Operations, Cyber Security Division, NOAA
- Rebecca Hall-Herndon, Security Operations Manager, Cyber Security Division, NOAA
- Zachary Goldstein, Chief Information Officer, NOAA
- Doulas Perry, Deputy Chief Information Officer, NOAA
- Lesley Harris, Cybersecurity Solution Architect and former Department of Commerce & NOAA Cyber Security Center program Cyber Operations Program Manager, Leidos
What are the odds of Leidos winning this contract as a Prime again?
The OS AI bot rates this at 40% odds Leidos wins this contract back.
Is your company pursuing this effort or similar opportunities? Let others know you are interested in joining or priming a team by commenting below.
Firms drawing the most attention:
Included below is a list of the large and small companies we have noted as drawing the most views by Government and industry leaders on the OrangeSlices AI consultant directory over the past week and that bring direct past performance and/or related relationships in support of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
- Octo
- Blackwood
- Obsidian Global
- Meadowgate Technologies
- XOR Security
- Savvee
- Spatial Front
- ActioNet
- Computer World Services (CWS)
- Syneren
- GAMA-1 Technologies
- ITegrity
- Leidos
- Tetra Tech
- RIVA Solutions
ECS Federal - SAIC
- Axiom Consultants
Please note that the research requestor for this item received a Premium OS AI Opp Segment report including 1) known details about how/if/when/where this contract will be competed; 2) a list of the top companies that are in position to win today (as well as those who have been making key investments and moves of late to position for a win); and 3) a detailed list of the top potential opportunity influencers any potential bidder will want to get to know.
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Developed by a team of government and industry contracting subject matter experts, the OrangeSlices AI data driven platform is a publicly available searchable listing of the top information technology and consulting services contractors doing business with the Federal government today. Driven by a robust and comprehensive set of authoritative and trusted data sources, the OS.ai tool is intended to help government and industry leaders find the right partner to help deliver on the important missions of the Federal government. Learn more about how you can engage with OS AI here.
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