FEMA RFI: Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) OPEN GovCloud

Notice ID: 70FA3124I00000008

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) program provides the capability to notify people in America and visitors of impending natural and man-made disasters, and ensure that under all conditions, the President of the United States can alert and warn people in America and transient populations. Through two systems, IPAWS Open Platform for Emergency Networks (IPAWS-OPEN), and the National Public Warning System (NPWS), the program delivers timely, geographically targeted messages during a crisis to both save lives and protect property. In 2021, FEMA migrated the IPAWS-OPEN application to Amazon Web Services (AWS) GovCloud Cloud Service Provider (CSP); this migration effort included modernizing the application to be cloud-optimized. The IPAWS Program Management Office (PMO) intends to continue improving and maintaining the IPAWS-OPEN system.

FEMA intends to award a BPA to provide IPAWS-OPEN application and cloud support; specifically in the areas of systems engineering and development, cloud infrastructure management (Infrastructure as a Service [IaaS]), Managed Services, and Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Sustainment services. The Period of Performance for this BPA will be twelve (12) months from date of award with four (4) one (1) year options…

Though the primary scope of this acquisition focuses on systems engineering, IaaS, Managed Services, and O&M sustainment, it is envisioned that the Contractor will be called upon to assist the Government as it implements network changes that impact IPAWS-OPEN. IPAWS-OPEN connects to the DHS Trusted Internet Connection (TIC). While network design and implementations outside of AWS GovCloud are not a direct responsibility of the Contractor, the IPAWS Program anticipates that during the contract period of performance there may be the need for network changes driven by DHS or FEMA agency directives, new industry standard, or other factors. These network changes will require the Contractor to support the IPAWS Program as it collaborates with DHS, FEMA, or other parties for the purposes of planning, impact analysis to IPAWS-OPEN, and sharing technical information regarding the IPAWS-OPEN architecture, and configuration changes necessary to interface with the federal network components. The Contractor may also be called upon to add new services and support tests following network changes to verify IPAWS alerts are traversing the TIC and other networks properly. While the implementation of network changes is outside the scope of this contract, the Contractor, however, will be responsible for AWS end-point connection changes/implementations – the Contactor is responsible for design and implementation of CSP hosted environment network changes. The Government recognizes the CSP will implement the CSP end-point change, but within the scope of System Engineering, IaaS/Managed Services, the Contractor shall design and coordinate the changes with the CSP…

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