Notice ID: JSERVICE25000002
The U.S. Department of Justice, Justice Management Division (JMD), Procurement Services Staff (PSS), is seeking information and sources for the following potential support services: Human Resources Support Services.
The potential contractor will provide a full range of human resources services for the JMD including providing classification, recruitment, and hiring support to the JMD HR to include Presidential Appointees with Senate Confirmation (PAS), Senior Executive Service Non-career appointees, Expert and Consultant appointees and Schedule C appointees, review complex merit staffing cases pertaining to conversion actions across DOJ and conducting a formal audit of the Department’s SES and Senior Leader allocation management, position management, and position classification.
The potential contractor will also provide contract support for JMD HR Policy and Advisory Services for the purpose of reviewing individual cases of individuals who have applied for law enforcement positions and have claimed Veterans Preference. The cases have been presented for a determination as to whether the individual should be passed over for consideration based on statutory requirements.
The current contracts were awarded to the Living Invigorating Valuable Experiences, LLC, Atlanta, GA and White Oak Duckpins, LLC, Front Royal, VA.
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