DOJ Industry Day/RFI: Insider Threat Program Technical Solution


The DOJ Insider Threat Program is dedicated to the proactive identification, deterrence, and mitigation of insider risks that could compromise sensitive information, disrupt DOJ operations, or endanger national security. The DOJ Insider Threat Program seeks comprehensive technology solution(s) that integrates advanced monitoring, behavior analytics, real-time reporting, and incident response capabilities to ensure both security, safeguarding privacy, and compliance with federal standards.


  • Location: Washington, DC area
  • Time: March 4, 2025, from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Setup begins at 7:30 am.
  • Personnel: Recommend at least 2 people per vendor but no more than 3 people per vendor.
  • Equipment: Each vendor will be provided a table and 2 chairs.
  • Presentations: There will be an opportunity for each vendor to provide a capabilities overview (10 minutes to 30 minutes) in a separate conference room. Presentations MUST be electronically provided in advance as USB drives are not permitted. Timeslots will be determined based upon the number of vendors that timely register.
  • Technology: Wi-Fi is not available and removable media is not allowed onsiteā€¦

Read more here.


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