Notice ID: 89233124QNA000358
The Office of Nuclear Incident Response (NA-84) and Office of Nuclear Forensics, in the form of the Nuclear Emergency Support Team (NEST) to which they provide all constituent parts, are responsible for preparing for and responding to nuclear and radiological incidents and attributing the origin of an incident on behalf of the U.S. Government and have an information management system, the Asset Readiness Management System (ARMS), to support these requirements. ARMS tracks operational and exercise planning and execution and provides readiness reporting of equipment maintenance and personnel training. The office has also integrated data management capabilities with the RadResponder network, a platform sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as a Whole Community solution for the management of radiological data. This requirement provides continuous technical development of and support to these key systems, to include training, documentation, and general user support. General software design and support may also be requested. Specific support required is detailed below:
Task 3.1: ARMS Design/Development and Support
The contractor shall provide, at client direction, software development and associated services in support of NEST’s Asset Readiness Management System (ARMS) and any comparable system that evolves from the existing ARMS during development projects.
ARMS is a browser-based management system hosted within and accessed through NA-84’s cloud hosting service. Physically, the system consists of an ASP.NET web site hosted within MS IIS on top of a SQL Server database. Additional components include web services, reports (SQL Server Reporting Services and Crystal Reports), mapping utilities, email notifications, and mobile tools (Windows CE based devices with onboard barcode scanners). ARMS is used throughout NEST, both by NA-84 and NA-83 employees as well as by contractors. Users are physically located at DOE headquarters in Washington D.C. And throughout the DOE and NNSA site and laboratory complex.
ARMS is used to both manage a wide variety of data as well as to perform numerous functions including:
- Central repository of all NA-84 and NA-83 emergency response personnel and equipment requirements and records
- Personnel training records
- Personnel medical qualification records
- Equipment maintenance records
- Master list of program and team readiness requirements
- Budgetary information (proposed and actuals)
- Deployment scheduling and watch lists
- Event planning information
- Lessons learned
- Electronic position taskbook (in development)
- Functions and features
- Real time readiness calculations
- Predictive readiness alerts; e.g. training and maintenance notifications
- Daily, reportable historical readiness history
- Deployment management utilities, including a deployment notification system
- Provides a wide variety of reports and automatic notifications and alerts in support of exercise planning, readiness, and deployment management.
As ARMS is a large system, specific requirements will be developed in concert with and under the supervision of the designated NA-84 technical point of contact. This POC will be an NA-84 employee. Technical requirements may be developed and coordinated by a contractor. All requirements will be authorized by the technical POC prior to development. All technical tasks and resulting deliverables will be individually defined and scheduled. Consequently, as individual requirements are defined in response to specific needs it is not possible to fully delineate particular deliverables in the context of this statement of work. However, please see Appendix 2 – Proposed ARMS Technical Deliverables for a list of potential projects. Given that there is a great deal of overlap between specific tasks within the major projects described throughout this document (i.e. ARMS, RadResponder, etc.), please see Appendix 1 – Common Development for detailed descriptions of what the following tasks entail:
- Task 3.1.1 ARMS Project Management
- Task 3.1.2 ARMS Software Design
- Task 3.1.3 ARMS Software Development
- Task 3.1.4 ARMS Software Training Material Production
- Task 3.1.5. ARMS Software Training
- Task 3.1.6 ARMS Operational Support/Help Desk
- Task 3.1.7 ARMS Software Documentation …
The Period of Performance will be a one-year base period, plus two one-year option periods, and will be as follows:
Base Period: 1 September 2024-31 August 2025
Option Period: 1 September 2025-31 August 2026
Option Period: 1 September 2026-31 August 2027
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