DOD DISA Sources Sought: Global Service Center (J6) Software Asset Management (SWAM) Requirement

Notice ID: 832468896

The DISA/J6 is seeking information from potential sources for software asset management services for over 250 different software manufacturers and software titles.  Services shall include software technical support, purchases, renewals, and licensing; and providing manufacturer access to Government-required fixes, patches, and updates.


  1. The contractor shall deliver an authoritative list of current software licenses and current software maintenance by recording software licenses and renewals in the Software IT Asset Management (ITAM) system, currently Flexera FlexNet Manager.
  2. The contractor shall purchase certain software maintenance renewals and licenses on behalf of DISA J6-JSP and our supported customers so that the Government maintains continuous software technical support, renewals, and licensing with manufacturer access to government required fixes, patches, and updates.
  3. The contractor shall review and report software usage so that the contractor can provision and authorize installation of software on hand within two business days of the customer’s software request.
  4. The contractor shall provide technical and system administrator support for the Government’s deployment of the Software IT Asset Management (ITAM) system, currently Flexera FlexNet Manager.
  5. The contractor shall improve software asset management compliance by linking the J6-JSP Supported Products List (SPL) to the software license/maintenance management tools, updating the software library, and updating software licenses and software contracts in the ITAM database.

The scope of this contract includes Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) software maintenance and licensing where the total annual cost for a particular software publisher is $250,000 or less per year. The Task Areas include the following:

  • Program Management
  • Software Maintenance Renewal and Software License True-Up
  • Software License and Maintenance Enrollment
  • Supported Product List (SPL) Updates
  • Software Compliance Management Reporting
  • Software Asset Management, Accountability, and Audit Readiness

The Government may require surge support during the base or any option period, and surge modifications will be within the scope of the contract and provide increased support for the defined task areas of this PWS.  The anticipated Period of Performance (PoP) is a 12-month base period, with four (4), 12-month option periods.

Read more here.


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