Notice ID H98210-24-SIPORT
Established in 2005 by DoD Directive 6495.01, the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) serves as the single point of authority, accountability, and oversight of the SAPR program for prevention, response and oversight, except for criminal investigations and legal processes that fall within the responsibilities of the DoD Inspector General and Judge Advocates General of the Military Departments, respectively. SAPRO develops the Department’s SAPR Strategic Plan and works with the military Services, the National Guard Bureau and the US Coast Guard to achieve program goals and objectives. SAPRO’s policy objectives are to promote military readiness by reducing sexual assault through prevention, advocacy, and execution of SAPR Program policy, planning, and oversight across the DoD Community. SAPRO’s vision is a DoD community free of sexual assault.
The Contractor is providing support to the SAPRO for the major areas of Assessments, Prevention and Victim Assistance. Therefore, it is important that the contractor understands that information it provides may be used across all levels of the Federal Government with products being reviewed and approved at the highest levels within DoD and often presented to Congress as well as Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Therefore, it is imperative that the information and products under this contract are of the highest quality, accuracy, relevance, and professionalism. Additionally, the contractor personnel will be interacting and working with General and Flag Officers, as well as senior civilian officials in the Senior Executive Service within the DoD, across the stakeholder community (See Appendix A for a complete list of SAPRO stakeholders). All personnel shall be proficient in the use of all applications in the Microsoft Office Suite (currently 2010 and 2013) to include Outlook, Access, Word, Project, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Visio. They must have working knowledge of SharePoint and have the skills and ability to research authoritative data sources using the worldwide web.
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