DOD CIO is happy to announce Mr. Kevin Mulvihill has been appointed the permanent Deputy Chief Information Officer for Command, Control, and Communications (DCIO(C3)). Please join the team in congratulating one of the Department’s most dedicated and experienced leaders! As the DCIO(C3), Mr. Mulvihill provides oversight, policy guidance, and strategic direction to the Department’s efforts to modernize C3 capabilities. He leads DoD-wide execution of strategic guidance for a broad portfolio that includes spectrum; communications systems and networks; C2 and coalition information sharing capabilities; Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT); Tactical Network Management; Waveform Management; and Enterprise Mobility. With experience in C3 at the tactical, operational, and strategic level, both as a DOD Civilian and Service member, Mr. Mulvihill brings a broad understanding of the DOD CIO’s programs and priorities to the position. His expertise and leadership of key initiatives will ensure that DOD continues to modernize and improve support to the Warfighter – ranging from the Satellite Communications and PNT to the implementation of cutting edge 5G/Next G technologies in support of operations.
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