DISA RFP: Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE) System

Notice ID: HC104725R0002

The Defense Information Systems Agency, National Capital Region (DISA – NCR), Fort Meade, Maryland seeks request for proposals (RFP) for the Department of Defense (DoD) Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE) System. DoD SAFE is a large file transfer service available to DoD and Mission Partners

The objective of this contract is to provide engineering and sustainment support to DoD SAFE to maintain and improve this Enterprise Service. The DoD SAFE support contract includes managing and maintaining the cybersecurity artifacts, applications, servers and supporting infrastructure on both the DISA Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet) and Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet). The contractor personnel on the DoD SAFE contract shall have requisite knowledge of DoD enterprise architectures, networks, frameworks, systems, process, and data requirements. Additionally, the contractor personnel shall have expert knowledge of web services, open-source components and trends, DoD integration and networks, Unified Communication, and DoD engineering and sustainment procedures and processes to deliver and maintain a real time enterprise large file transfer service to a large customer base.

The scope of this contract includes engineering, development, optimization, operations, and sustainment of DoD SAFE capabilities. This contract consists of the following task areas:

Task 1 – DoD SAFE Requirements Management: This task requires the contractor to perform the management of generated requirements from DISA, DoD, DoD customers, and the DoD SAFE Program Management Office (PMO).

Task 2 – DoD Tiered Support: This task calls for the formation of Tier three (3) support that shall perform high level troubleshooting, fault isolation, and incident mitigation for all parts of the service as well as the engineering support to facilitate incident mitigation.

Task 3 – Engineering and Development Support: This task provides development and integration engineering support that includes the creation, deployment, and integration of the DoD SAFE current and future capabilities in its current and future environments.

Task 4 – Cybersecurity (Information Assurance) Support: This task requires the contractor to perform information assurance tasks including delivering reports and providing services in line with the risk management framework …

The period of performance for this effort is a one-year base period, plus four, one-year option periods to be exercised at the discretion of the Government.

Read more here.


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