Notice ID:  JA-2024-03-1069
Contract Award Date: Jul 02, 2024
Contract Award Number: HHSN316201200166W
Task/Delivery Order Number: 70T03020F6NPIE008
Modification Number: P00026

TSA utilized the Option to Extend Services clause, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.217-8, for the TSA Information System Security Officer (ISSO) Services Task Order HHSN316201200166W / 70T03020F6NPIE008 that shall restrict the number of sources provided a fair opportunity to be considered (FAR 16.505(b)(2)). This Exception to Fair Opportunity supports the execution of this option. Use of the FAR 52.217-8 Option clause to modify the contract is necessary to avoid an interruption in required ISSO services and to allow the competitive follow-on procurement’s successful contractor an appropriate Transition-In period.

The Transition-In period is necessary to sustain the critical operations that support TSA’s network infrastructure. It would be impractical based on the highly specialized nature of the services, policy requirements mandating ISSO services, and the security requirements to onboard contractor personnel to transition to a new contractor before an award has been made.

The proposed action is necessary while a competitive follow-on action is pursued. Extending the current Order will provide sufficient time for C&P to complete the procurement for this follow-on contract. Quasars is the only source capable of providing services to TSA without unacceptable delay. The Contracting Officer seeks approval to extend the period of performance under the existing contract for up to six (6) months.

  • Quasars, Inc.
  • Type of action: Contract Modification
  • Amount: $5,260,869.51
  • Period of Performance: July 4, 2024 through January 3, 2025 …

The contractor provides ISSO services, which are essential to the security and compliance of the Agency’s information systems. These services include:

  • Developing and maintaining the System Security Plan (SSP)
  • Conducting risk assessments and vulnerability scans
  • Implementing security controls and monitoring system activity
  • Responding to security incidents and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and standards …

Read more here.


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