Federal Health capable firms will have some interest in this May RFP which requires an interdisciplinary approach through which capabilities, personnel and partnerships ensure quality of healthcare delivery and health systems. Know that he last time this task was awarded, the government justified a sole source action based on the incumbent’s experience providing “critical and highly specialized technical expertise”, so it is unclear whether any bidders will step up.
A focus for this two-year contract is to provide OHS with external professional Advisory and Assistance Services (A&AS) to support both critical intramural day-to-day functions and specialized and technical programmatic lines of effort. This requires a contractor to help ensure quality of healthcare delivery and health systems, enhance total workforce protection, support the health security response to high consequence events, facilitate medical and public health data exchange, and build the partnerships necessary to align highly specialized expertise to regional needs.
The incumbent on this contract is Deloitte, who was last awarded a 1-year sole-source (follow-on-following initial competitive action) task order in June of 2023. Spend to date and contract details can be found here (70RWMD23F00000020).
The RFP for the next iteration of this contract is expected to be released in mind May on GSA MAS.
More will be shared when and if additional information is provided.
Pro Tip 1 – Have capabilities and/or relationships that might prove valuable? Comment below to let others know you are interested.
Pro Tip 2 – Feel like you are missing out on some of the key action at DHS? It can be hard to keep up. Make sure you are in the know by checking out the DHS Competitive Intelligence Segment page, chock
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