Notice ID: FY24-0046
Contract Award Date: Aug 07, 2024
Contract Award Number: 70US0919A70090026
Task/Delivery Order Number: 70US0922F2GSA2045
Modification Number: P00010
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Secret Service (USSS), Procurement Division (PRO), proposes to award a contract modification against task order No.70US0922F2GSA2045, on behalf of Criminal Investigation Division (CID), pursuant to FAR 8.405-6, Limiting Sources.
The nature of the action being approved is modifications for Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) 70US0919A70090026 (previously competed) and Call Order No. 70US0922F2GSA2045 to add time (1 year + optional nine (9) months) and money to extend current services and optional period in order to shift end date to 3rd quarter of fiscal calendar. Original call order was placed 9/14/2022 with the original intent was a 2-year order. A recent loss of experienced personnel and turnover forced the USSS to push a re-compete of this requirement out to a future date. The primary reason for this modification is to continue mission critical services and also develop a future acquisition strategy to allow fair opportunity. The future work on this BPA call modification is a continuation of services.
The USSS, Office of Investigations, has a continuing requirement to safeguard the payment and financial systems of the United States. This has been historically accomplished through the enforcement of the counterfeiting statutes to preserve the integrity of United States currency, coin and financial obligations. Since 1984, our investigative responsibilities have expanded to include crimes that involve financial institution fraud, computer and telecommunications fraud, false identification documents, access device fraud, advance fee fraud, electronic funds transfers, and money laundering as it relates to our core violations. The Field Investigative Reporting System (FIRS) facilitates the reporting of law enforcement activities within the jurisdiction of the USSS that support the criminal investigation …
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