Decision Released: FDA Professional, Administrative, and Consulting Services (PACS) protest denial

File B-421906.7, B-421906.8


  1. Protest challenging the agency’s evaluation of proposals is denied where the evaluation was reasonable and in accordance with the terms of the solicitation.
  2. Protest challenging the agency’s best-value tradeoff is denied where the best-value tradeoff was reasonable and consistent with the terms of the solicitation.


The protester contends that the agency’s evaluation of proposals was unreasonable. Protest at 1. Specifically, the protester contends that its proposal should have received a rating of “[h]igh [c]onfidence” under the key personnel factor. Id. In its supplemental protest, the protester contends that the agency unreasonably assigned the awardee’s proposal a rating of “[h]igh [c]onfidence” under the past performance factor. Comments and Supp. Protest at 1. The protester also argues that the agency unreasonably determined that Kaiva’s proposal offered a better value than its own proposal. For reasons discussed below, we deny the protest …


FedWriters, Inc., an 8(a) small business of Fairfax, Virginia, protests the award of an indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contract and issuance of an initial task order to Kaiva Strategies, LLC under request for proposals (RFP) No. 75F40123R00069, issued by the Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for professional, administrative, and consulting services (PACS). The protester contends that the agency unreasonably evaluated proposals, which resulted in an improper best-value tradeoff decision.

We deny the protest.

Read the decision here.


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