Jaria LLC, Manassas, Virginia, is awarded a task order (P00005) valued at $16,568,920 on a firm-fixed-price contract (HQ0034-22-F-0131) to provide business administrative management and consulting services to the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU). The contractor will support DIU technology advancement efforts in the following areas: artificial intelligence, human systems, autonomy, cyber, advanced energy and materials, information technology, and space. The contractor will provide executive administration, program management, network support, security operations, business development, commercial executive support, and engineering services support. The work will be performed at the Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia, and at satellite DIU offices in Mountain View, California; Cambridge, Massachusetts; and Austin, Texas. The estimated contract completion date is April 18, 2024. Fiscal 2023 operations and maintenance funds in the amount of $2,924,829; and fiscal 2023 research, development, test and evaluation funds in the amount of $4,773,806 are being obligated at the time of award, for a total of $7,698,635. The cumulative total of the contract is $27,523.217. The total value of the contract if all options are exercised is $62,752,865. Washington Headquarters Services, Arlington, Virginia, is the contracting activity.
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