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23097 results found
Awardee Name: VALIANT GLOBAL DEFENSE SERVICES INC. Unique Entity ID: PD3UQQ22NQW1 Total Contract Value: $29,453,098.18 Action Obligation: $8,874,994.53 Department Name:…
A strategic win at HHS for this rapidly emerging 8(a) small business focused on solving complex problems in the public…
This seasoned procurement subject matter expert and leader with a proven track record in Federal acquisitions, project management, and strategic…
Notice ID:  DARPA-SN-25-28 The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Information Innovation Office (I2O) seeks information regarding current and emerging…
Armed with perspective gained across multiple senior leadership positions across the Office of the Administrator, National Preparedness Directorate, the Office…
Notice ID:  VA-25-00030024 VINCI has partnered with the Department of Defense (DoD), Air Force Health Services Data Warehouse (HSDW), in…
Armed with growing perspective gained in support of the Peace Corps, HHS and industry, this leader takes on a new…
HHS' Administration for Children and Families (ACF) continues to lean heavily on this global consulting and technology services leader and…
Notice ID: HT003825RFIABACUS This contract is for continued operations, maintenance and support of the existing ABACUS, cloud-hosted solution for MTF…
Awardee Name: AFFIGENT, LLC Unique Entity ID: M46UYYHVH4B1 Total Contract Value: $17,921,821.00 Action Obligation: $3,155,929.00 Department Name: INTERIOR, DEPARTMENT OF…