Notice ID: 2024-85691
The purpose of this contract is to provide technical and administrative support to the Bacterial Meningitis Laboratory, Quality Management Systems team and Management and Operations team within MVPDB. This will be accomplished by providing support services to achieve the branch objectives. These support services are divided into the following eight (8) task areas: Task 1: Bacterial Meningitis Laboratory (BML) Staffing Support
- Task 2: Quality Management Systems (QMS) Staffing Support
- Task 3: Program Management Staffing Support
- Task 4: Monthly Report
- Optional Task 5: Outbreak/Pandemic Support
- Optional Task 6: Genomics Microbiologists
- Optional Task 7: ABiL Bioinformatics Support
- Optional Task 8: Travel
- The scope of work of this project includes staffing support for BML activities, such as: genomic surveillance of bacterial meningitis; evaluation of meningococcal serogroup B vaccines; diagnostics, surveillance and outbreak response for meningococcal and H. influenzae diseases; meningitis diagnostic method development; bioinformatics analysis, tool development, and data management; and characterization of bacterial meningitis pathogens and monitoring of anti-microbial resistance (AMR) trends. Furthermore, Contractor shall participate in the development, implementation and maintenance of the Branch Quality Management System and adherence to applicable guidelines and requirements. Contractor shall also provide expertise in the web development of internal and external facing websites to improve usability and enhance current capabilities. Finally, Contractor shall, as needed, provide support to CDC’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and to DBD in outbreak/pandemic situations.
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