Army Sources Sought: Professional Data Analytic Services

Notice ID:  PANNWJ-24-P-0000003029

The U.S. Army, Army Contracting Command-New Jersey at Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000 on behalf of the United States Army Office of the Provost Marshal General (OPMG) plans to award a contract with options for Professional Data Analytic Services or alternate solution. The requirement is for mission critical professional data analytics services which must support the Headquarters Department of the Army, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7, and the Office of the Provost Marshal General. This contract must provide services that possess the right balance of formal education and experience to conduct data analytics and analysis of Law Enforcement, Police Intelligence, budgeting and threat information to support crime prevention, predictive policing methods, policy and guidance, budgeting resources and other Provost Marshal General initiatives.

Operations:  Experience in supporting Department of Defense military service(s) operations and conducts data analytics projects to provide information and insights to stakeholders for decision-making or solution development. Experience in developing data driven metrics to measure business-process performance and inform decision-makers. Experience in analyzing performance of business operations to determine where improvements will increase effectiveness and achieve higher levels of efficiency.  Experience in implementing data standards and deploys automation tools to extract, synthesize, and validate data from different sources and transform data into usable metrics.  Constructs data sets, monitors data quality, troubleshoots and resolves database information issues to ensure data integrity.  Utilizes scripting and querying tools like Python, R or SQL, data visualization/BI tools and statistical methods to produce reports, data files, and dashboards.  Experience in providing data analytic processes of collection, preparation, exploration, visualization, analysis, modeling, interpretation, and communication of the results.  The contractor shall use a variety of tools including spreadsheets, data visualization, reporting tools, data mining and open-source languages for the greatest data manipulation.  Experience in employing various approaches of descriptive, diagnostic, predictive analytics, and prescriptive analytics that can guide decision-making and improve outcomes. Collaborates with stakeholders to understand their needs, objectives, and requirements.

Force Protection: Experience in supporting Force Protection relating to crime, hybrid threats or terrorism threat assessments in order to protect, property, installations, equities, facilities, and equipment. Validates data from sources in order to identify new potential threats using public and private information, crime data, police intelligence information, open-source intelligence, and other effective research techniques. Assist in providing data that establishes clear, effective, and proactive plans for avoiding or mitigating newly emerged or evolving criminal activity and various threats. Assists decision-making in crises and in employing analytic focused information to influence situational awareness, support commander’s decision making, and enhance efforts to protect the force and preserve readiness.

Police Intelligence Operations (Crime Analysis and Criminal Intelligence Analysis):Experience in Interpreting Law Enforcement centric criminal intelligence reports and crime analysis products. Use fused finished intelligence and police intelligence to inform Department of Defense or Army staffs who create protection annexes and antiterrorism and physical security plans. Experience in integrating data analytic focused products into working groups, boards, and cells to enhance common understanding and awareness across the staff. Provide timely and accurate analytic briefings and updates to the commanders or other senior leaders to increase situational awareness and influence decision making.

Data Analytic Tools, Data Bases, and Networks: Experience with working with any of the following: Microsoft Visualization tools, Commercial Visualization tools, Data mining Tools, Tableau, Power Bi, QlikView, SAS software, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), Google Analytics R and Python. Working knowledge and experience with working with the Strategic Readiness Tenets System. Installation Status Report System, Installation Resource Integration Tool, Data Housing and Reporting Tool, Schedule 75 Requirements database,

Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET) (Intelink-S), Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS) (Intelink), National Crime Information Center (NCIC) of Command and Control Information Environment (C2IE), VANTAGE, Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal (LEEP), Criminal Justice Systems (Title 28 CFR) Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN), Criminal Investigative Information System (ACI2), eGuardian, Guardian, and other classified databases

Program Objective Memorandum (POM) and Budgeting:Experience in supporting the annual memorandum in prescribed format submitted to the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) by the DoD Component heads, which recommends the total resource requirements and programs within the parameters of SECDEF’s fiscal guidance. The POM is a major document in the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) process, and the basis for the component budget estimates. The POM is the principal programming document that details how a component proposes to respond to assignments in the Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) and satisfy its assigned functions over the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP). Experience in supporting midyear execution reviews, quarterly program reviews, spend plan briefs, program budget briefs, program objective memorandum briefs, and other financial reviews. Experience in Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (AFARS), Other Transaction Agreements (OTAs), U.S.C 2373 Agreements, and Adaptive Acquisition Framework (AAF) pathways in developing plans and strategies for programs. Experience in in providing analytic based information for procurement documents in the development of procurement packages.

The period of performance is five years.

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