Notice ID: PANMCC24P0000004801
The U.S. Government desires to procure Active Army Strength Forecaster (A2SF) support services on an 8(a) set-aside basis.
Background: The mission of the G-1’s Military Strength Analysis and Forecasting Division (DAPE-PRS) is to develop personnel forecasts (i.e. the Active Army Military Manpower Program or AAMMP) and conduct analyses to support the seven-year budget process, support policy decisions by the senior leadership, and respond to inquiries from other agencies, including Congress. These forecasts and analyses touch every aspect of the Active Component personnel management system. To accomplish this mission, DAPE-PRS, manned with military and civilian operations research analysts, uses a suite of mathematical models collectively called the Active Army Strength Forecaster (A2SF) that were developed and have been modified and maintained with contracted support.
- 3.1. Provide professional operations research/data analysis expertise to the analytic efforts of DAPEPRS analysts.
- 3.2. Perform custom software modification and maintenance for operations-research-focused computer programs that include, but are not limited to, time-series rate-generation programs and large-scale linear programs (optimization).
- 3.3. Perform data processing and database administration, modification and maintenance for DAPEPRS databases, which currently include mySQL and Oracle databases.
- 3.4. Perform administration, modification, and maintenance of the A2SF system, peripherals and supporting COTS products.
- 3.5. Perform system administration and tasks necessary to maintain compliance with Army Risk Management Framework (RMF) requirements, to include maintaining Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) records. A2SF currently operates under an access-only, continuous-monitoring authority as information technology below the system level.
Provide professional operations research/data analysis expertise to the analytic efforts of DAPE-PRS. Ensure regulatory compliance, sustainment and continuous operational capability of the A2SF suite of models and DAPE-PRS databases.
Provide management, personnel supervision, maintenance, modification, training, and testing of all A2SF application components, peripherals and DAPE-PRS databases. Serve as technical subject matter experts in discussions with stakeholders and outside …
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