Air Force Sources Sought: A3 Mission Assurance Assessment (MAA) Support

Notice ID: FA7014FY24MAA

Mission Assurance Assessments are accomplished through a three-phased approach as outlined in DoD Instruction 3020.45 (Mission Assurance Construct) and CJCSI 3209.01A Mission Assurance Construct Implementation.  The three phases are the Pre-Assessment Phase: mission analysis and pre-site survey; the Assessment Phase: vulnerability/risk assessment; and the Post-Assessment Phase: post analysis and report.

The objective of the MAA is to integrate the various MA-related programs and activities into a comprehensive, standardized, risk management assessment. This approach assesses probabilistic risk to assets, systems, and essential capabilities that support strategic missions. ,  Conducting AF MAAs requires (1) specialized Mission Assurance Assessment Teams, (2) Support Staff, and (3) knowledge/use of DoD databases.

USAF MISSION ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT TEAM. The Contractor shall provide personnel for the execution of MAA missions, ensuring logistical and ancillary support to accomplish the agreed number of MAAs annually.    The composition of each JMAA team will be determined by MAA Team Lead in coordination with the government Critical Asset Risk Management Program/Branch Chief.  Team.  The contractor must fulfill the stipulated number of MAAs and deliver the Mission Assurance Assessment Report (MAAR) within the allotted timeframe. With the exception of the contractor provided Mission Assurance Assessment Team Lead/PM team members are not required to report to AF/A3OB on a daily basis.   The contract mission assurance assessment team will coordinate …

The contractor will conduct a Mission Assurance Assessment vulnerability analysis according to OSD and JS established Mission Assurance Assessment standard practices   (IAW CJCSI3209.01A Enclosure D Section 3.d. Vulnerability, Section and other DoD MA policy and guidance) and any pertinent DAF/USAF supplemental/Benchmark requirement. The contractor will analyze each identified vulnerability and develop a proposed viable, cost-effective Courses of Action (COAs) in coordination with perinate installation stakeholders.  The contractor will develop a MAA Reports (MAAR) IAW CJCSI Enclosure D Section 4, Mission Assurance Assessment Reports and other direction from the AF/A3OB office, and be submitted in the format approved by OSD (P) DC&MA for standardization. The contractor may be required to conduct their assessment analysis and provide data within a DoD or DAF data system.  The contractor will be responsible for…

SUPPORT. The Support Section provides required resource management, administrative, planning, and professional document development, coordination, and distribution of MAA Team and AF/A3OB documents.

IT SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE.  The Government requires MAA Team and support staff to be familiar with and utilize computer systems that comprise the Mission Assurance Risk Management system (MARMS).  This requires the contractor to have access to EPRM, eMAAP, SMADS, AFCAMS, and other un/classified systems to perform this work.

PROJECT MANAGEMENT SUPPORT. The Contractor shall actively manage this contract by coordinating closely with the CARM COR.  The Contractor shall submit all reports on-time and with strict adherence to the instructions specified in each CDRL.  At the COR’s request, the Contractor shall review statuses on any open task or assignment and travel reports with the COR.   Additionally, the Contractor shall attend and present contract performance data at semi-annual Program Management Reviews (PMRs).  The program review will take…

This requirement will be for a base year and four one-year option periods.  This new requirement’s period of performance is scheduled to begin September or October 2024.

Read more here.


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