Air Force RFI: A3 Modeling & Simulation Support Services

Notice ID:  FA701424A331524

The purpose of this PWS is to provide Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation (AFAMS) and its mission partners with engineering, operational, technical, consulting, cyber security, and planning subject matter expertise to develop, maintain, sustain, and enhance M&S training capabilities.

The scope of this PWS is to provide AFAMS and the M&S Community with engineering and integration support services by providing highly specialized operational and technical assistance and expertise to develop, maintain, sustain, and enhance M&S capabilities.

The contractor will routinely travel within the Continental United States (CONUS) and occasionally to OCONUS locations such as Korea and Germany to support M&S training exercises, events, conferences, and meetings.

Innovation and agility is a crucial goal of the AFMS3 effort. The contractor will be responsible for delivering highly specialized operational and technical expertise in order to meet this capability. Other goals of this effort include, but are not limited to, providing:

  1. Unique solutions to maintaining visibility into the evolving technological landscape supported by the AFMS3 2.0 effort, specifically providing agile solutions to maintaining current technology throughout the lifecycle of the modeling/simulation systems.
  2. Flexible solutions to maintaining cyber security for models and simulators supported through the TO.
  3. Innovative solutions to tracking and workflow processes to monitor TO deliverables and RFS. d. Innovative solutions to M&S Knowledge Management.
  4. Maintain a “surge capacity” of subject matter experts supporting all RFS owners when they encounter short term increases in needed support.
  5. Establish agreements with local universities to allow access to non-degreed technical expertise to assist in solving today’s problems while developing tomorrow’s talent.

The M&S priorities addressed by the AFMS3 effort are contingent upon ever changing threat environments. As global dynamics shift and the U.S. priorities for operational readiness evolve to meet these changing dynamics, the contractor must adapt. The following tasks are intended to cover the scope of work anticipated for the AFMS3 effort. Specific work products within the scope of work may shift based on mission partner needs. Specific work products will be further defined through the RFS process. All developed Software (SW) products will become deliverables to the Government and be non-proprietary.

Tasks include:

Task 1 – M&S Strategic Support/ Process Improvement

Task 2 – M&S Operational Support

Task 3 – M&S Technical Support Services

Task 4 – M&S Innovation Support Services

Task 5 – M&S Cyber Security

Task 6 – Other M&S Services

Task 7 – Provide Program Management…

Read more here.


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