Air Force Pre-award Synopsis: SMP SW Sustainment

Notice ID FA8509-23-R-0016

This Performance-based Work Statement (PWS) describes the services required to provide sustainment support for Government Furnished (GF) Software programs and to assist the Software Integration Lab (SIL) with writing/coding of software for the NextGen SMP. This would include the management, analysis and monitoring of the development, integration, test and fielding of NextGen SMP software as well as providing updated GF software packages upon release of new versions.

The NextGen SMP is the main processor of the Special Mission System (SMS) on the AC/MC-130J platform to supply video output to meet Precision Strike Package (PSP), Airborne Mission Network (AbMN) and MC-130 Common Terrain Following/Terrain Avoidance Radar (MCTF) requirements. It incorporates open architecture, reduces impacts to Safety Critical functions, reduces dependency upon  proprietary designs, and leverages competitive market to reduce cost & schedule. A software sustainment contract is needed to continue to analyze, test and improve current software as well as ensure keeping with current software packages.

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