Notice ID: 140D0425R0019
The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), Interior Business Center (IBC), Acquisition Services Directorate (AQD) – Herndon on behalf of the Office of Head Start (OHS) under the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide a Head Start Training and Technical Assistance Office in each of the twelve (12) ACF Regions.
This requirement is for Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Network services associated with the deployment of the Head Start grant program. It is the Government’s intent to award 12 contracts, each covering a distinct US geographical area, using full and open contracting procedures, as prescribed in FAR Part 12 in conjunction with FAR Part 15 procedures and the streamlined procedures under FAR 12.6. While the Government anticipates ample competition, it reserves the right to award one or more contracts to a single contractor.
These contracts will provide grantees within a designated region with high-quality, sustained, and intensive training and technical assistance that, to the maximum extent practicable, improves the capacity of local programs to deliver services that, at a minimum, meet or exceed the priority areas described in section 641(A)(a)(1): correction of findings identified through the federal monitoring system; school readiness; and, training/professional development needs of staff.
The Regional Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator (RTTAC) will:
- Support the Regional Office (RO) in developing short, intermediate, and long-term training and technical assistance (TTA) planning those addresses OHS priorities and initiatives.
- Manage and coordinate regional TTA services to support high quality, responsive, and coordinated TTA services and contract deliverables, as well as timely communication and resolution of quality concerns and issues as coordinated with the COR and RO.
- Develop and implement quality assurance processes related to the accuracy of TTA reports and other deliverables.
- Develop and implement a system of ongoing supervision and coaching for all TTA staff that supports professional development and performance improvement.
- Ensure the completion of at least two formal observations of TTA personnel in each performance period to assess quality of TTA provided and determine professional development needs.
- Ensure the timely and accurate completion of OHS required reports, including but not limited to, the Regional National Training Plan (RNTP), Recipient Training and Technical Assistance Plan Agreement (RTTAPA), TTA activity reports, staffing roster and other reports described in the Schedule of Deliverables.
- Develop and implement systems for a coordinated TTA team approach to provide direct TTA to recipients …
Award of this requirement is anticipated in July 2025.
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