Related Notice: RFIGDTS4
Under the authority of FAR 6.302-1, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) intends to issue a sole-source award for the GEOINT Data Transformation Service (GDTS) IV requirement. The GDTS-IV requirement is a follow-on to the GDTS-III contract (HM047621C0002). The scope of GDTS-IV includes ingest services for a variety of standard and non-standard sources. Additionally, the scope includes the continued sustainment, development, integration, and modernization of the GDTS hardware and software baseline, which hosted in a hybrid architecture (cloud/datacenter model). The period of performance for this requirement is one (1) base year, and four (4) one-year options.
The GDTS-IV contract award will be made to Raytheon Company (Raytheon), located at 1717 Cityline Drive, Richardson, Texas 75082 (Unique Entity ID: MNQWKJKDKBE7). After extensive Market Research including a thorough review of interested vendors, NGA has determined Raytheon is the only source available to satisfy the requirements.
GDTS extracts and remediates (i.e. correction, transformation, and validation) metadata fields, benefiting enterprise discoverability. GDTS provides this through a hybrid architecture consisting of both the cloud and on-premises hardware for file-based data, Full Motion Video (FMV), and Moving Target Indicator (MTI). File-based data will be processed through the GDTS cloud presence while FMV and MTI streaming data are processed on-premise. Additionally, the GDTS FMV and GDTS MTI capabilities allow FMV and MTI data to be transcoded where applicable and disseminated in near real time at multiple security levels. GDTS clips streaming FMV and MTI into segments, remediates where applicable, and disseminates, including the use of S3, to NSG libraries for storage and access …
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